Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nursery Pictures

Monica has inspired me to post some pictures of our nursery.  
The only pictures I have are of Sydney's two nurseries.  The first four are of her first nursery. We used Classic Winnie the Pooh for the theme.  Tony wants to "recreate" this nursery for the new baby.  I think that can be arranged.  
The bottom picture is of Sydney's current room.  She has informed us that her new room will be pink.  That is her only request.  I think I will paint the walls light pink and the trim will be in white. I will have the artist paint an outdoor scene in the alcove by her window and we will use darker pinks and white for accents on the other walls most likely in polka dots. Or maybe fairies. I am still not sure yet.  
The two girls will each have their own sink/closet areas with a shared bathtub and toilet between them.  Sydney's sink area will be done in pinks, orange and white with butterflies and flowers. Baby girl's sink area will be done in lime green, aqua and yellow with frogs and butterflies.  And the shared area will be all of these colors with an under the sea theme.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our Blog: Worldwide!

I am so EXCITED!!! I found out today that our blog is being read worldwide!  If you scroll to the bottom of the blog, you will see that I have added a page element known as Clustermaps.  Click on it and it will take you to a map where you can see the locations of where my blog is being read. Someone is reading it in KYRGYZSTAN!!!!  Maybe it is the orphanage workers checking out the babies' potential parents.  Maybe they are even reading it to the babies. Maybe even now, our little girl is being shown pictures of her big sister Sydney and her mommy and daddy.  Oh, how this idea warms my heart.  
This blog post is for you, baby girl, we miss you, we love you very, very much and we are moving Heaven and Earth to get to you as fast as we can.  We pray for you every day and each night.  Sydney tells everyone she meets about you and how Mommy and Daddy are going to fly far, far away on the airplane to bring you home.  Today Mommy made a new cover for your car seat out of pink minky dot fabric and Sydney sat in it to make sure it fit just right.   Sydney thanked God for you during the prayer at dinner and asked for Him to bring you home soon. We cannot wait to bring you home to stay with us forever. Daddy, Mommy, and Sydney love you very much.
Thank you to everyone who reads my blog; just knowing you are all out there supporting us on this great journey encourages me every day.  I thank God for each of you and ask for His continued blessings on you and your families.

Friday, May 23, 2008

San Antonio Pictures

I finally figured out how to post pictures on a post.  The first two were taken at the San Antonio Zoo which is a FANTASTIC place for children under five.  They have this amazing water area for young kids, which we didn't know about beforehand, and Sydney had a BLAST! We had to change her clothes before we left but it was totally worth it for these adorable pictures.  
The bottom pic is from the shark habitat at SeaWorld where, as you can see, you get right up next to the sharks.  Sydney thought this was some kind of magical place.  She named about two dozen of the animals we saw in here, all courtesy of Diego and Dora!
We had a great time in San Antonio and if you are looking for a fun place to take your family this summer it is a great place to go.  Hopefully the next vacation we take will be in Kyrgyzstan!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Prayers Needed

I am sure most of you know who Steven Curtis Chapman is, or have at least heard some of his music.  Yesterday evening, his little girl, Maria, was hit by a car in her family's driveway and killed.  As if this wasn't hard enough, her big brother was the one driving the car.  The Chapmans have adopted three little girls from China and Maria was their five year old, the youngest. Please keep this entire family in your prayers right now, especially the son.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


You may have noticed the new blog design.  And if you checked it last night, you may have thought my blog was having an identity crisis as I tried out different looks and colors.  I think I like it this way and will probably leave it like this for a few days. If you see something different, please know I am just tweaking it until it looks just the way I want it.
I met a new friend today who is also adopting from Kyrgyzstan and she lives in Texas.  We are both eagerly awaiting the arrival of our I-171 H letters from Homeland Security. Please pray for us both as we wait for this all important letter together.  We simply cannot get anything else done until we have this piece of paper.
And now an update on the new house: our projected completion date of mid-May has come and gone and now we are looking at sometime in July. I say August.  This is fine with us because we are still waiting on the new owner of our current home to show up. Please pray that whoever this is shows up soon.  I would like to know that our house is sold so I can truly look forward to living in the new house.  Currently all of our woodwork (cabinets, trim, etc.) is finished and they started staining the wood this week.  Due to my serious allergy to toxic fumes of any kind, I will not be stepping even one toe in the house for about a month.  I drove by this afternoon on my way to pick Syd up from preschool and the painters were wearing suits and masks circa E.T. If I had any desire to "peek" and take a look-see, this most assuredly changed my mind quick, fast, and in a hurry.  After this they will begin painting, so it will probably not be until July before I go back inside.    

Monday, May 19, 2008

Plan A

Apparently, I got ragged on a little this morning at the men's group breakfast for not posting more frequently.  I will try to do better.  It would be a lot easier if something was happening.

Nothing is really happening right now as we are STILL waiting on Homeland Security.  Please say a prayer that things will start moving faster in their office so we can get this party started.  Sometimes I wonder what exactly they do all day in their comfy government jobs.  Maybe they have a big board where they post all the papers of those who are waiting on them and everyday they choose someone to throw one dart and whoever it lands on is the lucky one for that day.  They then process that person's paperwork and make their dreams come true.  Please pray that the dart lands on us tomorrow.

I stumbled across a new blog today and found an incredible post about adopting. I have posted it here because I wanted to share with you some of what goes through my mind when I think of the daughter we have not yet met.

Being an adoptive mother is not for every woman. She must possess not only the natural mother instinct but an understanding and appreciation of the situation that brought a child into her arms making her a mother. The adoptive family came to be by choices made, choices made by the first parents and by the adoptive parents. This bond the adoptive mother has with her child grows over time, like the child did within his first mother’s womb. Day by day, touch by touch, with each tear, kiss, and memory made they became a family. Adoptive mothers have that special knack to let love grow.

Adoptive mothers know that she’s a mender of wounds, not just of the physical skinned knees with a band-aid and a kiss, but of the heart. She gives love, acceptance, and permission to ask and talk about the day he was born and of his first parents. Adoptive mothers are embracers, not only of the child with many hugs and kisses, but of the child’s heritage and history. She embraces the facts of her child’s past with strength for herself and the child.

She’s not only a memory maker planning family vacations, activities, and birthday parties, but also a memory keeper. Details of a birth, photos of the hospital, and of the parents who brought her into the world are kept along side the newspaper clipping that announced it all. All these things are kept in a special book that tells the whole story.

She’s a tier of shoelaces and of hearts. She weaves lives together into a tapestry of a new family, with many different brightly, colored threads showcasing their individualities and family origins. Together they create one unit attached to each other.

Adoptive mothers are experts at finding lost objects, but understand and validate the profound, deep loss left by adoption. She allows the tears to fall and grief to be felt, allowing the mourning of the mom not there. She is secure in knowing that she’s not a replacement, but a finisher of a race for someone who, for whatever reason, could not run any longer.

This role is not for the weak of spirit, or the easily wounded. Loving a child not born to her but calling him her own, but this is what she does, it is her calling. 
She is a mother.

I have read many things about adoption the last few months, really years, and this says it better than any I have read.
Adoption is not Plan B for us; it is Plan A. God has known it all along and He has tried telling us for years.  I am thankful every day that we finally became still and heard His voice, His beautiful, beautiful voice. He has been guiding us to us our second daughter since before Tony and I even met.  I know she is waiting for us and I cannot wait to bring her home.  

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Holding Pattern

Well, everyday I check the mail hoping to find our next letter from Homeland Security. And every day, it is not there.  Tony tells me I am crazy thinking it will show up before a minimum of six weeks, but still I look.  I would love to prove him wrong.  I  have faith in our government. Sort of.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but right now at least, no news is good news.  When I have something exciting to post, I'll let you know.  Thank you so much for checking and praying and caring about the new addition to our family.  

Today, Mother's Day, has been a little bittersweet.  Mostly sweet, but there is the feeling of sadness hovering near my heart. It hasn't burst forth yet, and I truly hope it doesn't, but if it does, I know I am in your loving prayers today and it helps. It really does.  Thank you.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sydney's baby sister

We journeyed the two hours to Lubbock today and completed our fingerprinting.  What a relief it is to have that finished!  Now we have to wait for USCIS to process everything and mail us our I 171 approval.  Once we have that, our dossier is officially complete and we can send it to Austin for authentication. And then it will be off to Washington for translation!  We hope to have it in D.C. by June and then it will be off to the Kyrg republic where we will get in line for our baby girl! God has continued to bless us each step of this journey and we are so excited to watch as His plan for our family continues to unfold.  
I am so moved to think that when our daughter is ready for us to come get her, God will provide for our dossier to be at the top of the list.  It is so beautiful and peaceful to know that His hand is in this "birth" every bit as much as it was with our Sydney.  How amazing to be chosen by Him to experience this awe-inspiring journey to bring our second daughter into our family.  I dream of her often and I only wish I could communicate the beauty and peace I experience in these dreams with you all.  They are the closest thing to Heaven I have experienced next to the birth of Sydney.
Speaking of Sydney, she doesn't understand why her baby sister isn't here yet and she asks often why (as two year olds do) she's not here.  We tell her that her baby sister just isn't ready yet.  She has heard this answer so many times, she has started answering it for herself anytime she asks the question.  It is so exciting being able to share this with her at this age and to see her understand it just a little.  We have purchased a beautiful silk baby blanket for her sister and she asks to sleep with it every week.  She will hold it up to me and ask, "Whose blanket is this?" And then she will answer her own question saying, "It's my baby sister's! I can sleep with it!"  How amazing to share in her enthusiasm for her sister!  Most moving of all, lately she has been including her baby sister in her prayers. She will say, "And thank You for my baby sister; she's not ready yet."  It is such a gift to watch her talk to God about her sister; these two are already starting off with an amazing bond. Please thank God for this precious gift.